5 Words: Brutal, intense, heart-breaking, pensive, horrific.
5 More Words: Addictive, amazing, shocking, unbelievable, lost-for-words.
There's something about [a:Kevin Brooks|114266|Kevin Brooks|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1208535203p2/114266.jpg]' style of writing that I just can't get enough of. I guess it's because the way the narrative flows is similar to the way my own thoughts flow. It just feels so right to read.
This is an author who is not afraid to take chances and be controversial. He's not afraid to hit you hard and shock you. And The Bunker Diary just proves this all over again.
I was so close to tears while reading much of this. But there is some humour too. Just when it might be getting too much there's an injection of humour to stop you from curling up in a ball and crying.
This is an amazing book which will shock you and likely break your heart.
The ending of this book was just... I mean... WHAT?! If you've ever read [b:Black Rabbit Summer|2584942|Black Rabbit Summer|Kevin Brooks|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1328838362s/2584942.jpg|2601845], then this is Raymond all over again. It is just incredible how [a:Kevin Brooks|114266|Kevin Brooks|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1208535203p2/114266.jpg] can blow your mind all through a book and then just blow your whole being to pieces at the end.
Now, I'm off on a [a:Kevin Brooks|114266|Kevin Brooks|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1208535203p2/114266.jpg] binge. I'll probably cry a lot and I have some ARCs to catch up on, but there are another two books of his I haven't read and I've always got time to reread his other books.