I wasn't completely sold on the style with this one, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
Aliens usually aren't my thing, but the alien presence in this book didn't put me off. This wasn't all in your face about the visitors from outer space. Yeah, they were there, they were mentioned a lot, but it was done really well in this book so it's NOT just a book about aliens invading earth. Which is good, because it kept me reading.
I think this is part of a series (the first) but I don't think I'll read on. For me the book ended pretty well, I was satisfied with the story as a whole. But then again, perhaps it's the thought of aliens that's putting me off, as it seems there might be more in the next book.
The relationships between the characters were good. They seemed pretty natural apart from the Ambassador; I didn't understand her motives at all.
I didn't like how some things were left unexplained, but it was only little things. Pretty much everything that mattered was set out for the reader.
I received a copy of this in exchange for an honest review.