22 Following


Currently reading

Amanda Gray
The Watchers
Jon Steele
Dead Gone
Luca Veste
Amanda Gray
Jon Steele
Luca Veste
February 2014
February 2014
5 Words: Intense, hot, shocking, deception, love.Full review to come tomorrow as part of the blog tour. Yaaay
Masked (New World, #2) - Janelle Stalder
finished reading:
February 2014
reviewed: Switch (New World Series) (Volume 1)
5 Words: Deception, anger, love, betrayal, hope.Wow. What a book.I bought this a while ago and it's been sitting on my kindle...
Switch - Janelle Stalder
finished reading:
February 2014
5 Words: Sexy, unexpected, passion, friendship, blackmail.4.5 stars rounded up to 5 stars. Full review to come. But in the me...
Full Steam Ahead (Sea Swept #1) - Valerie Chase
finished reading:
February 2014
reviewed: The Deep End of the Sea
Tea Party Princess Review, Excerpt and Giveaway5 Words: Greek, gods, love, lust, power.My favourite parts of this book were t...
The Deep End of the Sea - Heather Lyons
finished reading:
February 2014
reviewed: Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer
5 Words: Creepy, mysterious, ghost, Paris, friendship.I have to be totally honest - this isn't the best book in the world. In...
Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer - Katie Alender
finished reading:
February 2014
reviewed: Kiss and Make Up (Diary of a Crush)
5 Words: Obsessive, psycho, growing-up, toxic, angsty.Oh Edie, what has happened to you? You're just not the same girl any mo...
Kiss and Make Up  - Sarra Manning
finished reading:
February 2014
reviewed: The Three RS
Put a picture of the Angel of the North on the cover of a book and then challenge me not to read it. I'll fail. I'm a sucker ...
The Three Rs - Ashe Barker
reviewed: I See London
International Giveaway, Release Day Blitz, Excerpt AND Review at Tea Party Princess. I really do spoil you all.5 Words: Fun, ...
I See London - Chanel Cleeton
finished reading:
January 2014
reviewed: Broken Beauty (Broken Beauty Novellas)
5 Words: Not. My. Cup. Of. Tea.This was only just 2 stars. Very disappointing.This book deals with such terribly serious issu...
Broken Beauty (Broken Beauty Novellas) - Lizzy Ford,  Chloe Adams
finished reading:
January 2014
reviewed: A February Bride (A Year of Weddings Novella)
5 Words: Sweet, love, mistakes, marriage, restoration.More like 3.5 stars.This was another sweet, short read.But A February B...
A February Bride - Betsy St. Amant
finished reading:
January 2014
reviewed: The Guestbook
What's that?Cover Reaveal on Tea Party Princess?Go and check out how gorgeous this cover is!
The Guestbook - Holly Martin
January 2014
reviewed: London Falling
5 Words: Fiesty, love, laughs, reality, conflict.I may be taking part in the tour, but I purchased this book to review. And h...
London Falling - T. A. Foster
finished reading:
January 2014
reviewed: The Bunker Diary
5 Words: Brutal, intense, heart-breaking, pensive, horrific.5 More Words: Addictive, amazing, shocking, unbelievable, lost-fo...
The Bunker Diary - Kevin Brooks
finished reading: